Control Engineering of China ›› 2020, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (1): 84-91.

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Coordination and Optimization of Operation Time Conflict in Steelmaking and Continuous Casting


  • Online:2020-01-20 Published:2023-11-29



Abstract:  In the steelmaking and continuous casting process, some disturbances can cause time clash. Dynamic scheduling and casting speed adjustment can be applied to eliminate it. Considering the two problems, mathematical model is set up. The object functions are the minimum time of the broken pouring, redundant waiting, drawing speed adjustment and the smallest acceleration adjustment. The constraint functions are based on the production process. The steelmaking and continuous casting operation process consists of continuous and discrete processes, the problem model is difficult to solve, this paper divides the problem into two parts: the time clash elimination model and the casting speed optimization model, and put forward the solving method for the two models. Through the method of solving the whole model, the dynamic scheduling and casting speed adjustment are applied to achieve the coordinative optimization of the two models.  

Key words: Steelmaking and continuous casting, dynamic scheduling, casting speed optimization, coordina- tive optimization, maximum principle

摘要: 炼钢-连铸生产过程中可能因时间扰动导致调度过程出现时间冲突,动态调度后会使得连铸过程出现断浇,从而需要进行拉速与调度的协调优化。针对这2个问题,以断浇时间最小,冗余等待时间最小,连铸机拉速调整时间最小和拉速调整尽量平缓为目标,以生产工艺要求为约束建立数学模型。将模型分为2个部分求解:上层动态调度和连铸机拉速调整。调度部分通过求解简单的线性规划问题可得,拉速优化部分利用极大值原理求得精确解,从实验结果看出该协调优化方法的有效性和优越性。

关键词: 炼钢-连铸, 动态调度, 连铸拉速优化, 协调优化, 极大值原理